London Skyline

Mono 'Print' 2


How did the colour get past the judge in a b&w round :-)

Submitted by m-h on Wed 21 Apr 2021 3:12pm

I would agree that Harry's image had too much colour in it, although you could argue, probably without any great conviction, that there was a subtle red tone to the image - it was evident elsewhere and toning is allowed in a monochrome round (it's not just b&w).

The judge did actually comment on the colour and then said that he assumed that if the competititon secretary had passed it as ok, that it must be allowable. Such touching faith in the infalliblity of competition secretaries, and assumption that they have the time to scrutinise every image that is entered before passing them to the judge... ;^)

Personally if presented with an image like that in a mono comp, I would (and have previously) phone up the competition secretary and say "are you really sure about this...."

To be honest, I submitted this one as a make weight, I thought my other image was better. I never even noticed the colour in my haste, but it’s showing up much more red on the gallery than it did on my laptop!